We have been providing highly personalized Information Technology services to River Region businesses and families for over 25 years. Our services include on-site computer support, website/social media support and IT consulting.

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Our on-site services support both Windows and Macintosh computers, smartphones and tablets. Most consulting, training, setup and maintenance is done on site at the business office or family home. Scheduling is set up to maximize office productivity. Computer software and hardware services include help with purchase decisions (what you need and where to buy it), installation and setup, upgrading, networking, training, and maintenance/troubleshooting/repair. Training is available for most office and internet software. If you are a restaurant owner wishing to add WiFi capability, we can integrate it into your existing high speed network, coexisting with your point of sale system, or bring in high speed internet service and remote video surveillance and security.
We have built, maintained and hosted some of Alabama’s most visible and influential websites, including the Alabama State Legislature and Alabama State Treasury. We integrate e-Commerce and online database applications into websites, enabling organizations with world class capabilities. Our websites have generated business and increased efficiencies that make or save our customers hundreds of thousands of dollars and return tens of millions of dollars to Alabama taxpayers annually.
Placing the Alabama State Treasury’s Unclaimed Property Database online provided the capability to search more than a million records for over $100 million in unclaimed money and property within seconds. Using online documentation and advertising, we have directly saved the Treasury $120,000 to $200,000 in annual advertising costs. More significantly, it has increased the annual return of unclaimed property to Alabama citizens from approximately $2,000,000 to over $30,000.000!
The State Legislature’s website has over 500 pages and provides an incredibly wide range of information, from current bill status when the Legislature is in session to details on each Senator and Representative to accurate historical documents forming Alabama’s early governments and constitutions.
We also build websites for smaller businesses, associations and home based business owners, and our costs are typically one half to two thirds that of the local advertising agencies. Social media integration, content management and blogging have become an integral part of our websites with social networking/community involvement.
In addition to creating and maintaining large websites, our strong graphic and design capabilities establish a very professional online presence for any business or organization. We also provide a broad range of detailed quantitative statistics so you can measure your website’s popularity and visibility and your visitors’ habits.
Over twenty years in business providing websites, databases, and home/office computer training and support, combined with seventeen years of logistics and supply chain automation/data processing management, give us a wealth of experience to meet your business or home computing needs. Financial cost/benefit analysis and matching your needs to the right industry standard equipment from independent sources will save your business or family money while ensuring the best quality equipment. Whether you need one new computer or have to equip a business, it’s best to discuss your needs in detail so the order can be researched and placed for best price and quality.
It’s important that we be objective in recommending computer solutions. Consequently, we don’t build or sell computers or parts, keeping your options open when recommending what to get. We also don’t take “finders fees” or “referral fees” from third parties to recommend their solutions or services. This is a common practice in the internet and telephone service market and you should make sure your computer consultant is as objective as possible with no conflicts of interest.
While website development drives most of our graphics service requirements, we also create and modify logos and other corporate identity items. We also produce custom slide shows. We developed the interface and navigation system for the Alabama Chamber Automation System (ACAS), which allows the Alabama State Legislature Senators and Representatives to access real-time information and bill status on their laptops while the Legislature is in session.
Whether you need a stand-alone application or want to put your data on the web, we can provide comprehensive database support at a variety of levels. Some of our databases include:
- The Alabama State Treasury Online Unclaimed Property Database
Placing the Alabama State Treasury Unclaimed Property Database online provided the capability to search more than a million records for over $100 million in unclaimed money and property within seconds. Using online documentation and advertising, we have saved the Treasury $120,000 to $200,000 in annual advertising costs. More significantly, it increased the annual return of unclaimed property to Alabama citizens from approximately $2,000,000 to over $30,000.000! We developed this online database in SQL Server, an industry standard capable of handling a high volume of online searches.
- Online Membership Databases
Many of our websites include “members only” sections, and we developed databases to accept and communicate user information to allow web access to members. These databases are customized to provide additional functions to staff and management for each organization.
- Alabama Department of Youth Services
We developed and fielded the state’s Client Screening and Placement Database to track youths entered into the statewide Youth Service system.
Over twenty five years in business providing websites, databases, and home/office computer training and support, combined with seventeen years of logistics and supply chain automation/data processing management, give us a wealth of experience to meet your business or home computing needs. Financial cost/benefit analysis and matching your needs to the right industry standard equipment from independent sources will save your business or family money while ensuring the best quality equipment. Whether you need one new computer or have to equip a business, it’s best to discuss your needs in detail so the order can be researched and placed for best price and quality.
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DNS Computer Services
Pike Road
Phone: 334.318.1965